Education-to-Workforce Indicator Framework
Questions essential for E-W data systems to answer about how students are progressing from early education through career—and using the answers to guide action.
View QuestionsINDICATORS
Student outcomes and milestones and related system conditions associated with economic mobility and security, plus guidance on how to measure them.
Characteristics that E-W systems should use to break down data, plus guidance on how to collect them.
Examples of practices shown to move the needle on key outcomes and system conditions, plus guidance on how to select them.
Principles for centering equity throughout the data life cycle to encourage more ethical and effective data use, plus guidance on how to apply them.
View PrinciplesAbout the Framework
The E-W Framework offers guidance for using data to promote equitable outcomes and economic security for all. Developed with input from leading experts from over 15 national and community organizations, it highlights key connections needed between systems to support students as they progress from early education through their career.

E-W Framework Report
The E-W Framework report (August 2022) lays a foundation for organizations to work together to share data across sectors to support students as they progress from early education through their career. Reflecting input from over 30 experts and more than 40 frameworks, the report offers guidance for what matters most to measure and how to use data to drive positive change.
News & Events
Advancing Kindergarten Readiness – March 26
Register for StriveTogether’s Cradle-to-Career Outcomes: Kindergarten Readiness course to explore evidence-based strategies and engage in live discussions on advancing equitable early learning.
E-W Framework Newsletter: December 2024
This newsletter features new resources from the E-W Framework team and our partners, plus a 2024 recap. Happy New Year!