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Regional Educational Laboratory Mid-Atlantic
REL Mid-Atlantic partners with educators and policymakers in Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania to improve learner outcomes. Learn more about REL Mid-Atlantic.
Key Resources and Events from REL Mid-Atlantic

Assessing the Validity and Reliability of the Pennsylvania School Climate Survey for Elementary School Students

The Pennsylvania Department of Education’s (PDE’s) Office for Safe Schools partnered with REL Mid-Atlantic to conduct a study analyzing the validity and reliability from PDE’s school climate survey for elementary school students. This survey, which is...
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Leveraging Virtual Tools to Support Continued Learning for Absent Students

With cold and flu season upon us, it can feel like our kids are out of school more than they are in school. Illnesses are disruptive to their routines; they miss their friends; and, most importantly, they miss opportunities to learn. Health-related absences...
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Empowering Regional Leads to Customize Social-Emotional Wellness Supports

The social-emotional wellness of students and school staff has been a longstanding concern—a concern that schools across the country have been working to address with an unprecedented sense of urgency since the COVID-19 pandemic began. In the Pennsylvania...
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ASPIRE to Improve Your Agency’s School Performance Measures!

Measures of school performance—whether used for high-stakes accountability or for lower-stakes diagnostic purposes—have become increasingly complex and technical in the past three decades. State accountability systems that initially examined only student...
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Using Tailored Supports to Advance Educational Equity

The District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS) is actively working to promote equity, inclusivity, and the overall well-being of our students. We’re implementing multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS), an evidence-based, three-tiered framework of instruction...
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Assessing the Validity and Reliability of the Pennsylvania School Climate Survey for Elementary School Students
The Pennsylvania Department of Education’s (PDE’s) Office for Safe Schools partnered with REL Mid-Atlantic to conduct a study analyzing the validity and reliability from PDE’s school climate survey for elementary school students. This survey, which is...

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Culturally responsive teaching means understanding that what students experience outside the classroom can affect the way they learn inside it. In this video, REL Mid-Atlantic shares tips on what it takes to build a culturally responsive classroom.

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